
Fento knee protection

FENTO is engaged in the development and sale of ergonomic knee protectors with the purpose of solving and preventing knee- and back complaints for both the business market (floor layers, road makers, carpenters, and gardeners), as the consumer market (handymen). Grown from its home base The Netherlands, FENTO is now increasingly servicing customers around the world, in e.g. Germany, Scandinavia, France the US but also “down under”.

In 2020 Auxilium Capital invested in FENTO Knee Protection.

Interested to learn more? Please contact us.

For more information, please visit www.fentokneeprotection.com


Fento knee protection

FENTO is engaged in the development and sale of ergonomic knee protectors with the purpose of solving and preventing knee- and back complaints for both the business market (floor layers, road makers, carpenters, and gardeners), as the consumer market (handymen). Grown from its home base The Netherlands, FENTO is now increasingly servicing customers around the world, in e.g. Germany, Scandinavia, France the US but also “down under”.

In 2020 Auxilium Capital invested in FENTO Knee Protection.

Interested to learn more? Please contact us.

For more information,please visit www.fentokneeprotection.com


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